Cartoon Caricature Artist
Get your caricature drawn or as a gift — people, pets, favorite things or themes…
Now you can order a Custom Caricature of you or a gift for someone who deserves one. Two people? Dogs, cats, Cars, motorcycles… Personalized themed background? You name it… from a photo or a Skype session. Reasonably priced.
Easy as 1-2-3:
- A: Send a picture or two with info on what you would like to be doing — hobby, sport or interest *(extreme exaggeration by request)
- B: Once the order is placed and payment processed the drawing begins to materialize
- C: Your finished picture is sent by email usually within 7 days (shipping and handling are added if mailed) *Caution over-exaggeration does not work for everybody and may result in loss of likeness.